Software functionality and compliance are dependent on the user experience the software offers – features are great, but how well they’re integrated in terms of design is important as well.

Here’s a quick glimpse at Quality Port’s dashboard. You probably already know what the software can do, but what does it offer users when they’re logged in and ready to work?

  • Messaging Center: Get secure communication capabilities at the press of a button. Being able to converse easily with suppliers and 3rd parties will help increase your compliance and quality control.
  • Blogging Function: Along with the messaging function, this offers direct communication between all users on the platform.
  • Calendar: The interactive calendar can be set up to manage important appointments, full schedules, and dispositions so you never miss an important task.
  • Personal Hot Links: Get where you need quicker, and customize shortcuts to your own operations.
  • Custom Viewing: Change the aesthetics of the dashboard for your liking and keep track of your most important reports.
  • Expansive Client Library: Enjoy an expansive client library system for housing important documents and reports.

The dashboard is set up to offer everything you need. Access your information, check over the tasks for the day, and communicate with every node of your supply chain who is on Quality Port for optimal quality control.

The best part? Unlike some company-specific platforms, Quality Port offers you all these features in a system that is independent of any one service provider.

If you are using the web system of your 3rd party service provider, what happens if you stop working with that party? Can you leave? Make sure you aren’t locked into a system because of the parties you work with.

Quality Port offers software as a service, and our web-based portal a flexible tool that links shipping networks together and makes managing compliance and quality control for consumer products much easier.