What types of processes does your business carry out during its daily operations?

Quality Port™ is optimized to record and manage the details of all these operations for you. With tools designed for the job, you’ll be able to enjoy a seamless workflow conducive to higher efficiency.

Here’s a brief glance at the Quality Port™ process flow:

  • Enter Job Details: These include the supplier and factory information and the contact information for each, purchase order details, product specifications, and production/ship schedules.
  • Enter Service Details: Details may include factory audit and product inspection findings, laboratory testing reports, image and data measurements, plus more.
  • Report Generation and Dissemination: Get custom reports designed specifically for your needs – and ensure those reports are sent out to all authorized parties so everyone has the information they need. It also ensures you have the responses you need to make your tough decisions easier.
  • Approval Process Authorization: Authorization controls ensure everything is up to date and is done according to pre-established procedures. No actions are processed without your knowledge and approval.
  • Supplier/Factory Acknowledgement: With everyone working on the same platform, it is easy to get acknowledgement from all parties before moving forward on a task or project. This is vital for compliance. When a partner is informed and knowledgeable, it is a win-win for everyone.
  • Certificate Issuance: Issue certificates so you ensure processes were completed, up to code and documented.
  • Statistical Management Reports: Reports in a file may not be the most interactive or robust resource – but the data inside certainly is. With all data entered into and contained within Quality Port™, you can observe performance trends. You can make crucial decisions. You can guide your operations based on things you can measure objectively, rather than having to make guesses. It’s an approach based on facts, not hope.

Quality Port™ offers a seamless workflow that covers everything you need – from detailed reporting to certificate distribution upon completion. This allows you to ensure shipment and import data is organized, completed properly, and recorded for your added value.

Ultimately, all of this leads to better COMPLIANCE AND quality control, as well as a better ROI for you